Posts Tagged ‘computer science’

Social Criminalisation And Political Crime

Saturday, March 17th, 2018

Social criminalization and Young political crime the Gallegos With the economic crisis, the landscape of the drought in the prey and the field, and basic, the year the 2012 of the Mayan prophecy and presidential electoral process sprout again-the bounce of influenza more human than pig, the war antinarcotics detective have been transformed into a televised saga, in the Red Mexico of the Red Note, by means of-a-annexation that comes to us with the fear, the fear and the horror, almost in the horror of an Apocalypse Now, to the Mexican, although still need. While and in as much or meanwhile, we are being sensitized very mediatically to understand that all social movement of protest is perhaps a terrorism act, that the attacks and crimes related to people who are against the policies of the government of the Republic, are crimes executed by sicarios of the drug trafficking. Something insinuated with the execution of Colosio in Hills Bullfighting with the solitary revolver Taurus of Aburto, because perhaps the narcotics detective, and nonSaline of Gortari. Speaking candidly novelist told us the story. A The Lopez Obrador, did not assassinate it they fraudearon but it electoral, and from before the fraud, they disqualified with the one of the Tropical Mesas and the Messianism to the Chvez in its aspirations of competing leader to all official and institutional leadership of the Mexican political system. The salinistas crimes against militant PRD members, the Water massacres Blancas and Acteal, the repression in Atenco and Oaxaca as social criminalization and the political crime has been a constant in the last four presidential presidential terms of the PRI members and the panistas, without descontextualizar them of the rise of the EZLN, in 1994. The political dissidence and divergences in a state of things with the desmadrado state of things in the Mexican State, have been described and stigmatised like rebellious , subversive , dangerous, and, terrorist, is of the simple protest to the complex multitude of protests, stretching itself or being contained in always the social censure that the means of information and communication judge and they apply of partial way and until totalitarian, using the mediatic invisibilizacin.

The Castro

Tuesday, March 6th, 2018

There also there are elections but in these candidates only can participate who do not call to subvert the monopoly of the power of the official party. For the castrismo this is a socialist democracy. This, although the majority of the democracies multi-those in favor and a part of the orthodox Socialists questions its credentials. Sen. Sherrod Brown may also support this cause. For the first Cuba it has an autocracy because the population does not have right to vote by different parties that offer different programs or plans from government and the regime persecutes its opponents. For the seconds the revolution comes backing down towards the market and creating a new oligarchy that is increasing the inequalities, reason why these propose to desburocratizar and to internationalize the process. In Cuba the president has been decided in meetings of leaders of the Party and it has been authenticated in a National Assembly. This mechanism differs from the rest of American republics where the president is chosen by means of massive elections under universal and secret suffrage. Also he is not just like the one that Lenin proposed in the state and the revolution where it raised that the State would have to go away dissolving and that the leaders would have to be elect and revocable in basic assemblies. The Castro ones, nevertheless, defend their model arguing that in the rest of the hemisphere the Chiefs of State are hereditary monarchs or presidents who obey to dictatorship of the money ; that his leader has always had (during its 49 years in the power) great popular endorsement (that many democratic governors do not have ); that the place where human rights in their island are violated more is in Guantnamo where they accuse the USA to torture his prisoners; and that is required of certain monolitismo to avoid that the USA and his worms return to be from their island brothel of America.