Posts Tagged ‘construction and repair’

Finishing One

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

Guess what subject is very important for each of us? Naturally, this cubby hole, where matter what time of year, happy and well. Based on the financial status and personal aspirations everyone chooses for themselves satisfying option – for one is a large modern palace, another small house, and the third will be cozy and in a typical apartment. There are certainly things that unite, and each of the proposals – this construction and repair. Typically, buying a new home, we’re doing there overhaul, repair often been used to “upgrade” is an old house, as an updated interior, fresh starts and history of your home. That and speak about the fact that each owner pleased to call their friends in a new and beautiful home with stylish design and elegant finish, you see, seem, we all love. Capital repair of apartments have an opportunity to realize how independently and to apply to firms that offer similar kinds of work – here already, you decide that you are profitable. In our age there is a huge variety of various building materials is a significant plus in the implementation planned repairs. All the known patterns for wallpaper and whitewashing the ceiling a long time in the past, a variety of modern, unique and creative approach to the interior of the house.

Undoubtedly, this option will cost significantly costly everyday template options: there will need to apply to services and a designer and architect, and professional builders. But the result will be spectacular, one can say a piece of art you have home. It is worth mentioning that in many unique finishes easy to find on the Internet for specific resources. There is also a recommendation on the selection of company-builder. Eurorepair – the perfect choice for the repair of the city apartment.

First, the price will appreciate this method, and secondly, you need not apply to support services of other professionals for some unique ideas. Today the market is a huge variety of organizations that are ready to undertake the implementation of planned repairs. Euro renovation of apartments in our time is very popular, so the difficulty of its implementation by experienced workers should arise. Still want to say that often repair, we plan every year, and therefore need to approach this matter very seriously, very greedy for money is not needed, but also to give extra is needed.

Flooring Features

Saturday, March 17th, 2012

To date, there is a huge variety of flooring, the room definitely becoming more comfortable with choosing the best. For Paul to look flawless and aesthetically, it is necessary to be an expert on laying of floor coverings. After all, sex is a factor in determining the originality of the premise. Flooring – a lengthy process that requires experience, skill and care. It is several stages, one of which "SCREED. Screed floor – this is the alignment of the floor.

Naturally you want to lay perfectly flat floor, but in this case, the result would justify. Quality of ties determines quality of future sex, so for high-quality ties use a special mixture that is cast on the floor evenly. Due to the complicated structure (a large percentage of water), the mixture should dry thoroughly, in To avoid problems in the future. The duration of drying depends on the "weather" in the room. Average length – 40 50 days. Widespread popularity in recent years, has received screed titled "self-leveling floor, its advantages consist in a fast drying (about 15 days) and small thickness. Whatever screed you choose, great attention should be paid to its application as a quality headband will give you a perfect floor.

Then stacked sheets of plywood. They play the role of protecting the floor covering, ie, when leakage or high humidity, flooring will not be deformed. At this stage, you must be extremely careful. The thickness of the plywood is very important. As Typically, the thickness of veneer is from 10 to 18-20 millimeters.