Posts Tagged ‘consulting’

Anti-Crisis Council Entrepreneur

Sunday, July 15th, 2018

In the courtyard the financial crisis. Business makes a loss, and the first question that faces the head – how to protect your business from losses and save it as a whole. Therefore, it would be reasonable to adopt anti-crisis measures. One of the main points of anti-crisis plan should be to reduce the costs associated with the maintenance staff. Developing this theme, we suggest you pay attention to the organization of your accounts department. On the one hand – accounting is important organ of the organization, on the other – there is a need to reduce costs without loss of functionality and quality of accounting. Here, we can recommend you use the following approach to solving problems, and it is – you sign a contract for accounting services with the company providing these services. What is the difference transfer option in the hands of a third party of your accounting functions? That you save on salary employees, as well as the content of their jobs, and note – this is not small money.

Of course services are paid for, but if you compare their cost with the contents of your state's accountants then the difference (savings) would be enormous. That With regard to confidentiality and professionalism, we note that the services you provide an audit company, which is the cumulative experience of specialists in various fields (accounting, personnel, lawyers and consultants for taxes). It is important note the fact that the services provided by the company are insured and all the "nuances" that suddenly can happen to you in no way affect. To control the "new" accounting you need only phone for connection assigned to your accountant. Also on the phone or at the office you can get free advice on tax and legal issues. The entire document between you and the company made through our courier charge. We would like to draw your attention that, starting from 01.10.2008 the company 'MASTERFINANS' out an action "personal accountant", this event is held exclusively for entrepreneurs who wish for a moderate fee to get soundly accounts with a free package of additional services. We suggest you use this chance, especially since this is relevant for today. This is an important item in your crisis response plan!

Russian Constitutional Court

Monday, April 30th, 2012

100 Tax Code), but only if found perfect taxpayer violation of tax law ( 5, Art. 88 Tax Code). Otherwise the act will not. In this case, the inspection is not required to notify you of the completion of a desk audit (Letter ufns Russia in Moscow from 21.05.2009 20-14/4/051403 @). About completion of the audit may indicate the following: a three-month period has expired, and during this period were no requirements for documents, clarification or correction of filed reports.

This indirectly confirms the conclusion that the Russian Constitutional Court has done in 2.2 Definitions from 12.07.2006 267-On. Exception – desk audit of the vat declaration, in which the tax is applied for the recovery. On completion of this verification, you will learn in any case. If the scan revealed violations, its completion will be formalized in a general way – the act of a desk audit (Section 3, Article. 176, 13 Art. 176.1 of the Tax Code).

And if no violations, tax or make a decision on reimbursing the vat (Sec. 2, Art. 176 Tax Code), or be notified when the scan and the absence of violations ( 12 Art. 176.1 of the Tax Code). Note that the drawing up of the inspection is already beyond the period of three checks. But this relationship Tax inspection and verification of the taxpayer for this does not stop. The act of a desk audit you have to hand, and you in turn have the right to submit to the tax authorities objected to it ( 5, 6 tablespoons.