Posts Tagged ‘friend’


Friday, May 8th, 2020

Habit: Life is complex enough; We need not consider the range of options for the hundreds of decisions that we have to take every day. To maintain this complexity, all rely on habits or programmed responses. Security: Change threatens the sense of security felt by individuals. Fear of the unknown: the changes constitute the ambiguity and uncertainty of the unknown. (b) organizational strength: by nature organizations are conservative, actively resist change. Limited to change approach: organizations are made up of several interdependent subsystems. You can change one without disturbing others. n the Group inertia: although individuals wish to his behavior, the group rules can limit them.

n Threat to the already established power relationships: any redistribution of authority for decision-making may threaten long-established within the organizations power relationships. Change is not the same that improve, change means removing the roots; SMEs are very small and usually new, change without first adapt its structure as such it is a challenge that SMEs can not cope with ease. As potential solutions to these obstacles facing SMEs to make use of re-engineering, we can point out: the establishment of education and communication programs: resistance by means of communication with employees, can be reduced to help them see the logic of the change. Negotiation: Another way for the change agent can deal with potential resistance, is Exchange something of value by a reduced resistance. Manipulation and co-optation: manipulation refers to hidden attempts to exert influence.

Co-optation is one form of manipulation as of participation. Attempts to bribe the leaders of a resistance group, giving them a major role in the decision to change. Search for ways of funding: costs that entail changes proposed by reengineering for SMEs, could be undertaken through access to credits that affect levels of small and medium-sized enterprises in General.