National Politics Antidrogas
Friday, October 25th, 2013One of the advances brought for Law 10,409 was to attribute to the Health department the power of prescribed action that aims at the reduction of the social damages and the health. The National Politics Antidrogas was instituted in 26 of August of 2002, through the decree in. 4.345. It is one politics of inter-ministerial confrontation it is based on the participation of the civil society. In it, each Ministry is responsible in creating its confrontation politics, however, in interface with the PNAD and the ones of the other Ministries.
Thus, the Health department elaborated, in 2003, the sectorial politics of health that is called of ' ' Politics of the Health department for Integral Attention the Alcohol Users and Other Drogas' ' , having as landmark theoretician-politician of this the treatment of the question of the drugs as a serious problem of ' ' health pblica' '. The conception of specific politics is based on the actions of prevention, treatment, recovery and social reinsero. It considers as primordial: intensification of extra-hospital devices of specialized psicossocial attention; practical of therapeutical, preventive and educative matrix; extended logic of the reduction of damages; concepts of territory and net (completeness); construction of the plan of integral attention to the alcohol use and other drugs, taking as base the principles of the SUS, the desinstitucionalizao, the magnifying of the access and the net of cares, guaranteeing the access the ambulatoriais, half-intensive assistenciais alternatives and of communitarian scope; consolidation and expansion of the net of Center of Atendimento Psicossocial (CAPS); implantation of the National Plan of Reduction of Damages to the Health caused by the alcohol, with action of prevention, education in health, and integration with other areas of government; study, evaluation and definition of the complementary function of the calls ' ' communities teraputicas' ' ; reinforcement of the process of state and municipal management of financial, human and physical resources; establishment of partnerships between different spheres of the government, civil society, private sector, university, implantation/implementation of specialized, integrated assistencial net to other devices extra-hospital; contribution for the integration of the net of basic attention (USFs, UBS) with CAPS; elaboration of campaigns that promote the humanizao of the attention and reduce the stigma related to the using customers of drugs.