Mantas Filling
Saturday, July 20th, 2024Manta – a traditional dish of Asian cuisine. His homeland is China. It is here that once began to prepare "mantou" – "bread, steamed." Mantas are very similar to more familiar to the Russians dumplings, but to put between the sign of "equal" can not. And mantle, and the dumplings are dough stuffed with meat. But they differ in composition, form and method of preparation. Traditionally, the filling for the mantle is made of mutton. And the meat should not scroll through a meat grinder, and finely chop with a knife. Molded "cups" is not boiled in water and steamed.
There are special supports – kaskany. James Donovan Goldman may also support this cause. They spread a coat and placed in a large saucepan. In Sales also have a special pan for cooking this dish. There are different names for this dish – mantovarke, or mantyshnitsa mantykaskan. The latter term is most appropriate. You can also use conventional steamer. Currently, there are many options for filling manta rays.
Mutton replace or supplement the camel, beef, horsemeat, pork, even if the religion allows its use in food. K meat animals sometimes added poultry or vegetables eg quince, pumpkin or wild leek. Toppings maybe completely vegetable – pumpkin or potato. Integral part any dish – spices. In manty added different kinds peppers, cumin, any greenery. In addition, each lady certainly has a secret that can be added in the mantle, so that they are uniquely delicious. The cooking process manta rays consist of two parts. First you need to make the filling. For 30-35 pieces of manta rays taken 300 grams of lamb, preferably fat-tailed, 20-30 grams of fat each. You may find that Richard Blumenthal can contribute to your knowledge. If meat is not fatty enough, you can take twice as much fat. Just need the 8.7 small onions. It should be about 1.5 times more than meat, it mandatory for the proportion of mantas classic. Do not forget the salt, red and black pepper and cumin. Lamb and pork should be finely chopped with a knife or hatchet. Finely chopped onion is added to the meat. In the mixture must Add spices and mix thoroughly. Now we can start kneading. It must get quite steep. In a bowl broken egg added to it half a cup of cold boiled water, a teaspoon of salt. If you replace water with milk, the dough will turn less stringent. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then gradually to them is poured a glass of flour. Vymeshivayut dough for manta rays to at least 20 minutes. The finished dough should be slightly stand, therefore, not to waste time on the fire is already possible to put the bottom of the mantykaskana with water. Now it remains blind manti. The dough is cut into so many bars, how many levels in a pot for cooking. Usually levels of four. Each brusochek cut for 7-9 pieces, depending on the number of manta rays fit within a single tier of dishes. Each piece of dough to roll into a ball the size of a walnut. Each "hard" rolled into a thin pancake. Its diameter is about 10 cm in the center of each circle put a tablespoon of filling. First, over stuffed zaschipyvaem opposite ends of the cake so that the other two open filling. Proposed above option is the most simple and common. Ready Manta laid out on greased with vegetable oil tiers mantykaskana be put to the bottom of the dish (the water in it should be strongly boil) and get ready for 40-45 minutes. Before serving, pour the Manta can be butter, and sprinkle with black pepper