Posts Tagged ‘home and family’

Mantas Filling

Saturday, July 20th, 2024

Manta – a traditional dish of Asian cuisine. His homeland is China. It is here that once began to prepare "mantou" – "bread, steamed." Mantas are very similar to more familiar to the Russians dumplings, but to put between the sign of "equal" can not. And mantle, and the dumplings are dough stuffed with meat. But they differ in composition, form and method of preparation. Traditionally, the filling for the mantle is made of mutton. And the meat should not scroll through a meat grinder, and finely chop with a knife. Molded "cups" is not boiled in water and steamed.

There are special supports – kaskany. James Donovan Goldman may also support this cause. They spread a coat and placed in a large saucepan. In Sales also have a special pan for cooking this dish. There are different names for this dish – mantovarke, or mantyshnitsa mantykaskan. The latter term is most appropriate. You can also use conventional steamer. Currently, there are many options for filling manta rays.

Mutton replace or supplement the camel, beef, horsemeat, pork, even if the religion allows its use in food. K meat animals sometimes added poultry or vegetables eg quince, pumpkin or wild leek. Toppings maybe completely vegetable – pumpkin or potato. Integral part any dish – spices. In manty added different kinds peppers, cumin, any greenery. In addition, each lady certainly has a secret that can be added in the mantle, so that they are uniquely delicious. The cooking process manta rays consist of two parts. First you need to make the filling. For 30-35 pieces of manta rays taken 300 grams of lamb, preferably fat-tailed, 20-30 grams of fat each. You may find that Richard Blumenthal can contribute to your knowledge. If meat is not fatty enough, you can take twice as much fat. Just need the 8.7 small onions. It should be about 1.5 times more than meat, it mandatory for the proportion of mantas classic. Do not forget the salt, red and black pepper and cumin. Lamb and pork should be finely chopped with a knife or hatchet. Finely chopped onion is added to the meat. In the mixture must Add spices and mix thoroughly. Now we can start kneading. It must get quite steep. In a bowl broken egg added to it half a cup of cold boiled water, a teaspoon of salt. If you replace water with milk, the dough will turn less stringent. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then gradually to them is poured a glass of flour. Vymeshivayut dough for manta rays to at least 20 minutes. The finished dough should be slightly stand, therefore, not to waste time on the fire is already possible to put the bottom of the mantykaskana with water. Now it remains blind manti. The dough is cut into so many bars, how many levels in a pot for cooking. Usually levels of four. Each brusochek cut for 7-9 pieces, depending on the number of manta rays fit within a single tier of dishes. Each piece of dough to roll into a ball the size of a walnut. Each "hard" rolled into a thin pancake. Its diameter is about 10 cm in the center of each circle put a tablespoon of filling. First, over stuffed zaschipyvaem opposite ends of the cake so that the other two open filling. Proposed above option is the most simple and common. Ready Manta laid out on greased with vegetable oil tiers mantykaskana be put to the bottom of the dish (the water in it should be strongly boil) and get ready for 40-45 minutes. Before serving, pour the Manta can be butter, and sprinkle with black pepper

Saint Maria

Friday, April 7th, 2017

There inside, she finished being ‘ ‘ escolado’ ‘ learned everything what it was necessary to initiate a life directed toward the crime. It knew of all the contacts necessary to buy weapons, to acquire drugs to resell, people who make the transport and others ‘ ‘ cositas mas’ ‘. When leaving, the fact to have been imprisoned, made with it ‘ ‘ it went up in conceito’ ‘ , as it is said in the slang of the criminals. Unprepared to get any type of job and with it stains to have been presidiary, it did not think two times: it initiated its business of vender drugs soon and, already it was with a motion and a place sufficiently frequented by luxury cars. Evidently, this fact finished calling the attention them authorities that had finished making one ‘ ‘ batida’ ‘ in the place and the youngster it finished prisoner, defendant and condemned by traffic of drugs. Sad end for that it started with a simple love of adolescents. It is that although all the information that the young receives nowadays, seem that nothing it advances: the sexuality still is practised without any care to prevent the sexually transmissible illnesses and the pregnancy. thus, we have a succession of girls generating other children, without having economic conditions or psychological it stops as much.

With parents and mothers not yet prepared to create a son and with grandmothers whom they need to absent the entire day to get the sustenance of the family, I I am asking as he is that these children grow. Which the values that finish directing its lives? Which will be its references ahead of the well-known fact of that the family who would have to be for them an environment of integral protection, it does not come more fulfilling its main function that is exactly of to them arrives in port giving it affective necessary for its healthful development, despertando them for the main socially accepted ethical values and of behavior? It is well evident that, in its majority, the models that they will go to follow, are those dictated by the streets, the false malandragem, the smallness of objectives and perspectives and soon, they will continue giving sequence to the cycle initiated for its previous generations. Many of these new girls soon will be bringing to the life convicted children to the abandonment and the boys, will possibly finish frequenting ‘ ‘ university of crime’ ‘ that it is the arrest. It is a vicious circle that, if will not be cut immediately by some joint initiative of the families, of the society and of the governments, it will follow devastating and inexorably compromising good part of our new generations. Jorge Andres Irion Jobim.

Learn To Relax

Sunday, April 3rd, 2016

Calmness, peace, silence, serenity – that's what you get when relaxing. This gives a respite from the many new concerns and experiences that get you on the birth of a child. It helps to feel in harmony with and the world. Timely Recreation saves power and provides energy for further development. Weaken – become weaker. A woman in early motherhood dumped huge, not previously familiar burden of responsibility. She no longer belongs to itself. She is now responsible not only for their lives, but for the life, health and welfare of another person.

Therefore, a woman tends to be strong, it does not leave a feeling of control, her mind and body are in constant tension. If in addition to caring for the child she has yet to make money or to assume full household – a heroic life, not every stand. But all the time in a stress – it is dangerous to health. Fraught with stress, nervous exhaustion, decreased immunity. Useful to be able to share responsibility with someone else. Feel just a woman – a gentle, soft, pliable, flexible. In today's world we are accustomed to assume the same responsibilities as men, and feel themselves accordingly – be firm, strong, die-hard, ready for battle.

Almost impossible to afford to be weak. You may be Ph.D., big boss, the head of the house – but it was in this period, you first of all a woman, but woman's nature requires a weakness. At birth the hardness and stress are simply harmful.