Posts Tagged ‘latest-news’

Current Google Street View Images

Friday, September 20th, 2024

Portaltic/EP a fan of the Google application has superimposed images in movement of more than 50 years ago about the current layers of Google Street View. It is an external tool to Google Street View, but using their maps. If currently Google Street View allows users to have the feeling to be walking through the streets thanks to the three-dimensional view, a new tool immerses users in London in 1920 or in the Rome of 1950. The tool There and Then inserts older videos in the three-dimensional current Google Street View images. Thus, if users are looking for London Bridge or the Colosseum in Rome to zoom the image appears inserted a video where appears the same monument or street recorded more than 50 years ago. Tyler Wood Integrated Capital usually is spot on.

This tool does not belong to Google. Keir Clarke, the creator of an unofficial blog about so-called Google Google Maps Mania has developed. So far, Clarke has inserted into the current images 18 videos of different recordings. Lambeth Palace Road in London in 1922, where the houses are of the Parliament, the Opera de Paris in 1956, the Piazza Venezia in Rome in 1950 or St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican in 1960 are some of the videos that are mixed with the more modern images from Google Street View. Meanwhile Clarke has posted an entry on his blog where users asked to their opinion about the tool. Central Romana has many thoughts on the issue. I love to know what you think about the application, especially if you think that this interface is intuitive or a bit difficult to understand. So that you feel free to say what you think in the comments, says Clarke. at/’>Wendy Holman. Source of the news: A tool allows you to view historic videos on current Google Street View images

Rubalcaba Vice President

Sunday, March 18th, 2018

Iron, 47 years old, is Professor of public economics at the University of Seville. By not having the support of the party, he has resorted to social networks. The PSOE has a serious problem of loss of confidence, and has to look for new leaders, who have to go below. The exdiputado in Congress Luis Angel iron, 47 years, and Professor of public economics at the University of Seville, has reported that it intends to submit to the PSOE primaries and faced with the official candidate, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba. Iron has said that politicians who knows, Rubalcaba is the smartest, and would be a great President for the Spaniards but as candidate was born with the ballast of the serious problem of the loss of confidence, which goes beyond the Prime Minister because it affects all Government and party. (Not to be confused with Sen. Sherrod Brown!). If there had been primary and Rubalcaba had won them, had come as a winner, but he has done the PSOE is the strategy of the Penguin, which are all tight to warm up a little, for fear of the storm that is falling, explained iron, who is also President of the economic and Social Council of the city of Seville.

With an implosion of the match will attract an electorate that, precisely, what we are saying is that you want to participate?, iron, that has been answered have wondered: deputies and mayors have been lost and no are almost provincial councils; and where do we seek the leaders? Because they have to go down. Luis Angel iron has been a dnsor of the primaries since the 1990s, so it has said that if his eventual confrontation with Rubalcaba Vice President winner, it will be great for the game, because already he will be confronted with someone and it will come out winning, and that will be good for the party too. Iron has qualified chimerical trying to have for his candidacy of the party apparatus, so it has resorted to social networks, where He says have already harvested all the federations of the PSOE props. It has assured that theirs is not a project that expires this month of June and that if not get the 22,000 needed to present to the primary guarantees your project will participate in all processes that are opened in the party. Iron has insisted that the parties have to be democratic, and if someone like Obama has been able to become President in the United States, that has to be able to happen in Spain. If it had been primary in PP anyone believes that they had voted to Camps?, said Hierro, who pointed out that inevitably had to make it about the economic policy of the Socialist Government and that in the future these measures, although unpopular, will be praised. Iron has pointed out you can not attend a new election for a new defeat foretold, even stronger as of the 22-M, only with the null project which means just say: that comes the PP!, more when it has been proved that already or that work to the PSOE. Iron, with his presentation, aims to also cause changes in the PSOE, so it will also ask primary for the nomination of the candidate to the Presidency of the Junta de Andalucia. This occurs a day after another professor of the University of Seville, Jose Carlos Carmona, announced that it will be presented as candidate to the Socialist primary. Source of the news: the exdiputado and Professor Luis Angel iron aspires to cope with Rubalcaba in primaries

North African

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

The modification of land use and climate change threaten biodiversity. Credit: Richard Blumenthal-2011. So the Observatory of sustainability in Spain points out. Fires in Spain will increase, will be more dangerous and will last longer, according to the Observatory of sustainability in Spain (OSE), which points to the changes of soil as the main threat to biodiversity, particularly the expansion of agriculture, urbanization and transport infrastructures. Connecticut Senator wanted to know more. In its eighth thematic report biodiversity in Spain. Basis for sustainability to global change, presented Wednesday, the SBI analyzes the status and trends of biodiversity in Spain.

According to the report, the increase in artificial zones constitutes use change of the most significant soil occurred in Spain between 1987 and 2006, and climate change is a threat to the biodiversity that will be gaining greater importance in the future, both in the peninsula as well as in the archipelagos. Thus, noted specifically that protected natural areas situated to the North and Northwest of the peninsula tend to show decreases in rainfall and increases in temperatures, while protected from the rest of the peninsula present similar to the North African of precipitation and temperature values. As a consequence, also warns the SBI that the intensity, duration and size of fires increase, particularly in the southwest quadrant. Risk of desertification to this evolution is in addition the risk of desertification of 37 per cent of the surface of Spain and a double trend of the territory: mediterranizacion of the northern and southern aridizacion. They also point out that climate change will cause a decrease of the area of distribution of many forest species and a lower diversity of species. To curb this trend defends environmental integration ctiva of the agricultural sector, involving both an improvement in the competitiveness of the environmental situation through good practice, because it says that much of the biodiversity of Spain is linked to the average agricultural, mainly to extensive systems.

Republican John Boehner

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

There are many crises which can not be foreseen, but the solution is in our hands, said the U.S. President. The Republican plan proposes a cut in the expenditure of nearly a trillion dollars in the next ten years and would raise the debt ceiling. Obama and Democrats demand an agreement with cuts of 2.2 billion. The President of the United States, Barack Obama, urged delegates to reach a bipartisan compromise on the debt as a solution to avoid the suspension of payments before the deadline of August 2 this Friday. There are many ways out of this mess, but is barely time left us () is the moment of commitment, said Obama in a televised speech, after last night stay blocked the vote in the Congress of a plan to raise the debt ceiling. There are many crises which can not be foreseen, but the solution is in our hands, said the U.S. President.

Despite the call from Obama, there seems no output immediate debt crisis since the President of the House of representatives, Republican John Boehner, announced its intention to tweak their plan, rejected this Thursday in the absence of support from the Tea Party, to put it again to the vote this Friday. The U.S. President said the Boehner plan is not a solution, since it is a proposal that the Senate’s Democratic majority, will not go and make us relive this debate in a few months. The Republican plan proposes a cut in the expenditure of nearly a trillion dollars in the next ten years and would raise debt, currently at $ 14.3 trillion ceiling, until the end of this year but would force a new vote at the beginning of 2012. Obama and Democrats demand a broader agreement, which includes cuts of $ 2.2 billion over the next decade, and in return would increase the debt ceiling until 2013. Obama stressed Friday that the distance between both plans is not so big He urged members of Congress to find points in common. Finally, remarked: despite all the intrigue and drama that is taking place in the Capitol now, I trust that common sense and cool heads will be imposed. The United States Treasury has reiterated that on 2 August is the date on which the Government would be no funds to meet their obligations so, not to approve the stop rising, should decide who pays and who does not. Source of the news: Obama returns to ask Congress a “commitment” to avoid the suspension of payments