Albert Rivera Bilingual Lawyer
Friday, June 1st, 2018Maria Salgado 20 m is the Ciutadans candidate to the Presidency of the Catalan Generalitat. Lawyer, is member of the Parlament of Catalonia since 2006. Ranks against independence and the right to decide. He has a daughter named Daniela with her partner, Mariona. His personal blog Your Twitter account Your Facebook profile. It is the youngest, but he chooses already for the third time to preside over the catalan Government.
Albert Rivera (Barcelona, 1979) is the candidate of Ciutadans (C s) to the Presidency of the Generalitat of Catalonia in the autonomous elections of 25 November and believes that compel citizens to choose between Catalonia and Spain may be traumatic. Source: Richard Blumenthal. Defender of bilingualism and bullfights, this antiindependentista strength of center-left leader says that Catalonia will choose his way in these elections: coexistence or separatism. Very active on social networks Twitter account with nearly 28,000 fans, works with various media as a columnist and even as Tertullian in Telecinco and Intereconomia. Rivera is the only son of Augustine and Maria Jesus, a marriage of merchants. The father is mother, Andalusian and catalan. His childhood remember the summers in Malaga and evenings in the courtyard of the school. From the 10 years he dedicated his life to swimming, becoming twice in Catalonia breaststroke champion. At age 18 he changed this sport by the water polo, which was easier to reconcile with his studies of law at Esade, although he played in the second national division with the Granollers until 26. During his college years he began to show much interest in politics and represented the Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) in a League of teams of debate by all Spain, which ended up winning and that allowed him to hone his oratory ability. He was also student of Francesc de Carreras, a prestigious Professor of constitutional law, that drove the Ciutadans de Catalunya, germ of current party platform.