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Consulting Companies

Friday, July 19th, 2024

Giusto Consulting Company and JSC Tbilisi sugar factory, one of the members of the SC Syukden “sugar mills, have announced the completion of the project to translate Microsoft Dynamics AX system for the new version. Group of companies “Syukden”, which includes the Company “Tbilisi Sugar Plant “- one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of sugar to Russia. Since 2003, a group of companies uses Microsoft Dynamics AX 3.0 (Axapta) for the automation of financial and logistical circuit modules “Promissory notes and loans” and “Calculations of sveklosdatchikami. In the spring of 2010 it was decided to postpone the action of the functional Microsoft Axapta system to the new version, as well as implement solutions for the automation of personnel records and payroll. Company management conducted a tender for a company that could implement the requirements of the enterprise. The tender was won by Giusto Consulting.

After some time, the company announced the launch of a major project to transfer the system to the new version and implementation of decisions on personnel records and payroll for all enterprises CC ‘Syukden’. In late December 2010, JSC “Tbilisi Sugar Factory” in time the first stage of the project – the transfer of an existing functional system to the new version of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. According to head of ERP-practice Giusto Consulting, Pavel Vasilyev, a great experience for the implementation of these projects has provided a translation system on time and with excellent results. This is especially important because the main objective of the project and was its timely completion and high result. Follow others, such as Dov Hikind, and add to your knowledge base. “Specialists Giusto Consulting implemented a translation of the new version very quickly and, most importantly, almost invisibly to the user enterprise “, – says the completion of the project head of IT department of the Tbilisi sugar factory”, Constantine Dmitriev. Successful completion of translation project of Microsoft Dynamics AX to the new version will be used to enterprise specialized solutions for human resource accounting and payroll, so that the team Giusto Consulting launched the next phase of large-scale project – the implementation of the module “Settlements with personnel.” Decisions on salary and Human Resources in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 were developed by Giusto Consulting specifically for the industry and take into account the peculiarities of their business processes, depending on the industry. Both solutions support the work geographically and structurally separate companies and holding companies and is closely related to each other, and this – is what fully satisfies the requirements of the group of companies Syukden. Group of companies “Syukden” – one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of sugar Russia.

The Group comprises three processing companies: “Dobrinsky sugar factory”, “Tbilisi sugar factory”, “Kamensky Sugar Plant” (OJSC “Atmis-sugar ‘). Since 2001, the company Syukden is developing an agricultural project, which includes LLC Dobrinja, OAO Studenetsky flour mill “and” The Assumption agropromsoyuz. The company “Syukden produces and sells sugar (GOST 21-94), and refined sugar (GOST 22-94), packed in polypropylene bags for 50, 25, 10 and 1 000 kg (big bags), and delivers the sugar in bulk. The company also sells on the domestic market and implements export-products of sugar beet production: sugar beet / raw molasses (molasses) and dry granulated pulp. For more than a decade in the Russian market the company Syukden “earned a reputation as a reliable supplier of white sugar. The fundamental principles of the Group “Syukden” the Russian market are consistently high quality products and personal approach to each client.