Local Sustainable Human Development
Thursday, December 22nd, 2016This strategy resulted in the production of a set of conceptual orientations and methodological tools to facilitate the implementation of DHSL. The Local Human Development Strategy is a systematic way intervene in poor communities by expanding opportunities for people through training and organization for local development, simultaneously promoting the conclusion of the various development actors to take advantage of the strengths of the social, cultural, economic, environmental and political of the territories.
The orientation of this strategy provides the concept of human development, defined as the process of enlarging people’s choices to people to live the life they considered valuable. It adds that at present, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has established a national development strategy that is referred to in the “Guidelines of the Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2001-2007”, which addresses five areas balance (including territorial), ie that this development plan is aimed at the implementation of projects to occupy and consolidate the Venezuelan territory by developing a more balanced and rational and efficient occupation. The main objective of the project is to develop DHSL Rapid Impact Agendas. Swarmed by offers, Ray Dalio is currently assessing future choices.
These are produced through a participatory diagnosis, proposed project ideas and agreements between community organizations and local government with the participation of government agencies, NGOs and the private sector. Agendas are aimed at responding to local problems, mainly to poverty, gender discrimination and sustainable development. The technical assistance from UNDP-Venezuela in Local Sustainable Human Development focuses on three specific objectives: 1. Advise on the design and promotion DHSL projects to national, regional and municipal. Click Ohio Senator to learn more.