Posts Tagged ‘the news’

This Consensus

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

Now they deceive the public opinion with the shipment of ships and airplanes military for to protect to our fishing fleets in the extermination of million tuna and of tunas, among others species. We are confusing the people. We are operating them and snatching to them hope and, if already nothing must lose, I wonder myself why they have not been raised against the established and dominant order. At all costs to its reach, because the fight is out of proportion. The shout of Orwell resonates: If nobody must command to us, to what we hoped? In the Manifesto they express preoccupation by the serious repercussions that the Humanity stops is going to suppose the explosion of neoliberal Capitalism, an explosion nonfinished still, of an economic model that so many times we had denounced as unjust and harmful for the society.

Perplexity because the protagonists of which this model has prevailed during 25 years, and that the G7 and the Institutions of Bretton Woods (the IMF and the VM), appear as the rescuers of the disaster when they would have to appear like guilty, and to assume the responsibilities that correspond to them. Indignation before the call of the Summit of the 14 of November by the Government of the United States, cradles of the politically responsible Organizations than it happens. And because to the meeting it is invited of form arbitrary and discriminatory. As if the poorest countries, than have undergone east model more and they are more going to undergo the consequences of present the setback, they do not have anything to say envelope what to do now and in the future. Because not only it is failed to take advantage of, but becomes gloomy the Conference of Doha on the Revision of the Implementation of the Consensus of Monterrey on the Financing for the Development, anticipated of the 29 of November to the 2 of December. This Consensus has of structural subjects that, reviewed a section and extended, it could contribute abrir the doors towards a new world-wide economic and financial model. They express the conviction that the moment has arrived from which the Reformation in depth of the present System of International Organizations, feels the one bases gobernanza democratic world-wide that it prevents that the world returns to live a situation like the present one.

It is urgent that, in United Nations, with the participation of the excellent actors in the present world-wide conjuncture and also with the participation of civil society and of the social movements, summons a World-wide Conference on a New Monetary System and the Financial International and its New Democratic Institutions of Government. If what looks for is to imitate Prince de Lampedusa, to remove something so that everything follows equal, the revolution and the chaos they are served. Jose Carlos Garci’a Fajardo Professor Emrito of the UCM. Director of the CCS ccs@


Monday, March 4th, 2013

A life insurance is the best acquisition than the human being can do, since at certain moment this one can make lack, but also is indispensable to count on the due legal representation to face as he must those cases in which we turned out to be victims. The indemnifications of damages or by damages and damages are not more than the power than you must to demand to him to whom have caused to the damage the payment to him equivalent to these. In the labor surroundings many employers make contingency not covered by law to this benefit that have their employees, whereas in situations of traffic accidents, it is seen involved a car, motorcycle, upsettings, among others also have produced that them can as it happens in many cases of occurring to the flight without being responsible for the caused damages. And it is at this moment where their insurance policy, duties and rights must become merit and it can obtain only it with the due representation of a lawyer. In Murcia, Spain, for example, the lawyers to the front of traffic accidents are many, in whose events their victims are abandoned, therefore the professional of the right sees itself in the obligation investigate from how the accident happened to giving with the whereabouts of the cause of the same, all this with the support of the other members in charge of competent institutions to clarify a road event. Those claims that they have to do with damages and injuries, sequels, elucidation of the case like so, must be into the hands of a good lawyer. You will be able to know that the road events to which are many you are exhibited, but in the same way also is possessor of rights that him slogan its Constitution and that only a jurist him can indicate the correct way to act in defense of them.

Security Council

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

The adoption of that text of commitment, endorsed by 193 countries except by Bolivia, took passage to a series of interventions between Soln, in some occasion booed by the rest of the room, and Espinosa, applauded by the other countries. Soln reiterated that its country ” it does not want I veto, I veto is not a democratic mechanism. I veto occurs in the Security Council where it is decided the future of the humanity with guerras”. ” Bolivia is a small country with principles, a country that does not sell its sovereignty and that speaks by the towns of mundo” , it indicated. The envoy of the White House for the Climatic Change, Todd Stern, said that the United States supported ” totally its decisions and all the work realizada” , while it proposed to the presidency of the summit ” to change the consensus by the general agreement since the rules of procedimiento” were never approved; of the meeting. Espinosa said that she gave ” for third time palabra” to the Bolivian delegation in this session, but he requested to him that ” he would not expand plus this reunin” , and the answer arrived from another Bolivian diplomat, instead of Soln, that insisted on ” abrir to a dialogue democrtico”. Of that way commitment texts were approved both presented/displayed by Espinosa, one based on the continuation of the Protocol of Kyoto (1997) and the other on long term cooperation (LCA, by its abbreviation in English), picking up the moment of the negotiation.

In spite of this disadvantage, it comments the mentioned source of intelligence The agreement obtained in Cancn abre to the route to the creation of a Climatic Green Bottom (GCF, by its abbreviation in English) within the Convention Frame of the UN on Climatic Change that will count on an advice with twenty-four Member States. Also it recognizes the necessity of ” to mobilize 100,000 million dollars per year as of 2020 to take care of the needs of the developing countries “. In relation to the transparency, a subject that interested particularly to the United States, the commitment text raises that the actions of mitigation with international support are put under measurement, reports and verification (MRV) in agreement with you rule established by the Convention. The approved document it allows to the beginning of a system of Consultations and Analysis the International (ICA, by its abbreviation in English) ” of way nonintrusive, nor punitive, and respectful of the sovereignty nacional” that they will realise experts. Also it is postponed to a little while future the decision on if there is or one second phase of the Protocol of Kioto and does not ask to the countries to raise his ” level of ambicin” in cuts As mentions: The Agreement of Cancn recognizes the importance of tying the labor subjects with the climatic change and its respective policies. The agreement indicates that to approach the climatic change it demands an important transformation in the way in that the world produces and consumes. This structural change will have considerable impacts on the companies and the workers, negative as as much positive. The challenge is to create and to take the opportunities new greener uses and to compensate the losses in other sectors that could put in danger the sustainable development.

European Council

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

In that Europe where the liberties citizens have been themselves unbalanced by war against the terrorism, also have backed down the social rights by the economic interests of a few. A neoliberalism of great purity. Now, a legion of experts cries out that ” the social model of Europe is not in peligro”. Although others, like Bjarte Vandvik, Secretary General of the European Council for the Refugees, consider that the vision that has Europe today (the one of the cut of some not recognized liberties and the social backward movement) is cruel and unwarranted. Some professional politician, presumed expert, has said that is not ended any social model, but competitive taboos are due to break if we want to be. We would finish! One is about money, benefits, and the famous myth of ” competitividad” it comes from Rep them. Years ago, from pro-European sectors critics alerted themselves not to construct one ” Europe of mercaderes”.

Perhaps that Europe would have been digerible than the one of the great banks, powerful financial groups and voracious companies transnational companies that send to garete the European dream by love to their accounts of results. Many analysts agree in which Europe has turned towards a forceful conservatism and generated social and political a backward movement. One scores at that the extension towards the east from 2004 has helped that drift to the right. Perhaps because the old block of the East embraced with fervor of I talk neoliberal Capitalism. Or perhaps no. The case is that, after beautiful words of self-satisfaction and ample smiles of professional europolticos, we walked towards which professor Juan Towers denominates jibarizacin of the democracy. From the European political power the democracy is reduced in fact, as the poor farmers reduced heads. How to understand, for example, that it has not at least been reflected on the French vote, Dutch and Irish that did not approve the Constitution nor the following Constitutional Treaty, and has been months acting as if that vote by ricochet to ” su” Europe would not have existed? This one is not Europe that we want, because that Europe is less and less Europe.


Saturday, May 19th, 2012

If there is one of letters of the tarot that makes decide us to mythical king Midas, he is the gold king. Everything what this personage touches turns into gold. It is a pillar of the financial stability, with wealth and experience that will share with all subjects. This personage has a message that he distributes to that they want to listen to it: building with diligence, responsibility, and paying attention to the details, it is possible to be arrived at a privilege position like which he has reached. But it does not like to keep his wealth for himself, but he finds the happiness distributing. Its character is strong. Its word is so good and valuable as gold. When he get ready to reach an objective, not only he has the force to obtain it, but also the average materials.

He is a businessman until the marrow, the teacher of the material world. Like all the personal characteristics, taken to the end they become a vice. Despite this personage it is in sensible end. He is an administrator who will increase his capital, but not by love to the money, but for well-being of those that it loves. For the gold king the money means security and tranquillity, and this is what it really enjoys, before to count its currencies and to caress them. The money is an aim to obtain something more transcendental. It is clear then that who manages to live with this philosophy will find moments of great happiness in its life. There is to be human no more poor man than the one than has money and still it feels that it needs everything.

This is the warning of the gold king: the money must be means to reach a better life, and not an aim in itself. The gold king is a personage with resources, but not only material. She is a person of great wisdom, but he prefers to put this wisdom in action, before to dedicate itself to the meditation. She is a lover of the hard work, and he advises to us to put our energies to the service of an aim superior. She is an investor, and its principle is to put to work its time and its money because it is the unique way to reach a reward. In the distance of the tarot, the gold king would have to serve as inspiration for the consulting one, and he animates to us to risk stops us to achieve the success. It is a positive deck indicates that us that we must put all our dowries of administrators to the service of our desires.

Donking Donuts

Friday, May 18th, 2012

Donkin Donuts, the popular chain of the cafeteria premises and American pastry shop has known historically to do an excellent use of the social networks, in particular of Facebook and Twitter, creating presence of mark, and an excellent reputation online. One of the ways in which DD has known to capitalize its enormous number of followers (in Twitter it has almost 44,000 followers, whereas in Facebook, the amount of fans surpasses million one hundred thousands), creating contests and campaigns, who have had an excellent repercussion on the part of his fans. In the middle of 2009, DD sent to the contest ” Keep it Coolatta” obvious, Coolatta is one of its products. The same consisted of which the users raised their photos drinking Coolatta, and the prizes consisted of i-Phone, a Plasma television, or vouchers to consume DD products. Now, repeating the success achieveed with this campaign, they send ” Twinter Games” for Twitter. Again, the idea is that the users raise their photos, with certain hashtags (#). The followers responded sending a 1900 photos.

The prizes were not so spectacular, generally one card of flattery of 50 dollars to use in some of the premises. There is much to learn of these examples. First of all, it is not necessary to organize contests with spectacular prizes (the light truck 4X4 and the trip to the Caribbean is for another opportunity). The stimulus so that a user participates, then, is not the economic one. Simply, the desire to participate and the diversion can create highly positive effects. The creativity is also remarkable. Surely, more from a million followers they did not obtain them with messages like It consumes our products, are of first quality! .

Evidently, DD has known to find syntony of their public, that is to say, it gives them what they hope: diversion, pleasure, entertainment, and the sense of property that the consumers look for. The answer to the question How inserted my business/marks/product in the social networks? , she is much more simple that to appeal to complex questions of marketing, words key, anchor texts, and urls. We return to make the same question of always: why enter people the social average? By diversion, in 99% of the cases. Then, this is what there is to give them. The DD example is for imitating. With its constant presence a place in the daily habits of its consumers has known to be created: to happen through the page to see whereupon newness they are. And also it is a dissuasive fort to face the presence in the social average of an excessively promotional way. The key is in intelligence, and the development of an own style of communication. It will be necessary to see if other companies imitate this style or create new forms to come near to that enormous captive hearing that is in the social networks.