The Council
He said: On the venerable day of the Sun that the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and that all workplaces are closed. On the field however, persons engaged in agriculture may continue freely and legally their occupations. Several decades later, the Church followed its example. The Council of Laodicea (around the year 364D.)C.), which was not a Roman Catholic but universal Council, promulgated the first ecclesiastical Sunday law. In Canon 29, Church stipulated that Christians should honor Sunday, and if possible, not to work on that day, while at the same time denounced practice stand on Saturday, instructing the Christians not to be idle on Saturday but that they must work on that day. In the year 538D.C.
the year marked the beginning of the prophecy of the 1,260 years, the third Catholic Council – Orleans, a law even more severe than the Constantine. Canon 28 of that Council said that on Sunday, still agricultural work should be set aside, in order to not deprive people the church attendance. Change half of the prophecy of Daniel 7, Dios predichoPor revealed his advance knowledge of the changes that would be made on the day of worship. (Dan.7: 25). There is a single power within Christendom to which you can apply this prophecy.
There is one religious organization which aims to have the right to modify the divine laws. Around 1, 400 d.C. Petrus de Ancharano asserted that the Pope can modify divine law, since its power is not man’s but God’s, and acts in the place of God in the world, with the widest power of tying and untying his sheep. Juan Eck attacked Luther saying: Scripture teaches: remember the day of rest to sanctify him however, the Church changed the Sabbath Sunday in his own authority, to which vos (Lutero) have no writing in the Catechism of Catholic doctrine for the convert of the 1977 Edition is a series of questions and answers, among them we find: P what is the Sabbath day?