The Professor
Any attitude for them taken, either to silence the fact, to ignore, to reprehend or to clarify, rees-echo in the vision of the child regarding the sexuality. The child, in special in the professor, observes the model of behavior in relation sexuality. The sexual orientation, becoming, to some professors an arduous work, therefore to say of delicate subjects and visas as close, if is constrangidos. They are felt unprepared, insufficient knowledge, many fragmented times and when trying to carry through the sexual orientation, they finish transmitting concepts, myths, taboos erroneous and even though preconceptions, that perpetuate throughout the years for a society conservative. Additional information at Amazon supports this article. In this direction it is basic that the educator takes conscience of that the manifestations of the infantile sexuality consist natural aspects of the human development. Pedagogo, a professional of the school, is of great relevance in the work of sexual orientation. With its formation, that allows it to understand the human development and the development of the sexuality, that is an integrant part of each individual, ally to the professor, to the pertaining to school community and the family, a reflexiva and efficient sexual orientation can be carried through, making possible that this child one day can well be an adult decided in its sexuality, free of traumas and frustaes. Nowadays, it is observed that the sexuality is argued more explicit has of it years behind and waits that this continues evolving in serious, respectful and responsible way, without trivialities of the thematic one or still, with fragmented and insufficient knowledge to deal with the effectiveness of the sexual orientation in the school and life in community. Therefore it is possible to affirm, that the more early the barriers will be won that hinder the sexual orientation in the pertaining to school institutions, more early will have the minimizao of problems as the sexual repression, the pregnancy in the adolescence, the sexual abuse, the problems of learning caused by distress sexual, the sexual preconception, the proliferation of sexually transmissible illnesses, as the AIDS.
Tags: education