Tourist Quality
This demanding certification Mirones Miguel awarded on behalf of the Institute for Spanish tourism quality recognizes the quality standards of the Spanish beaches La Mayor of Gijon, Paz Fernandez Felgueroso, has received this morning from the hands of the Director-General of the ICTE, Fernando Fraile, flags Q attesting the quality of LArbeyal, San Lorenzo and Poniente beachesall them of the municipality of Gijon. Gijon thus becomes one of the few cities in Spain with three certified beaches, and the only one of the Cantabrian Sea. That puts Gijon as a major point of tourist quality, since none of the coastal cities of the North has its main certified urban beach, something that according to the director general of the ICTE is an important achievement that certifies the level of demand for this city. The standard Q tourist quality for beaches offers a quality system aimed at the tourist enjoyment thereof with respect to environmental values and the sustainability of the ecosystems. Rigorously differentiating with respect to other recognitions, that only focus on aspects related to the sea water or sandy areas. The Principality of Asturias has 7 certified beaches, placing nearly half of them in the municipality of Gijon.
So far only four beaches enjoyed this distinction in Asturias: the Santa Marina in Ribadesella, of Toro in Llanes, the of the cameras-Palombina in Celorio and San Pedro de la Ribera in Soto de Luina. This quality certification is in place in 9 autonomous communities: Andalusia, Asturias, the Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Catalonia, Ceuta, Galicia and Murcia. In this year 2010, received the Q for quality a total of 176 beaches, belonging to 75 municipalities, within the nine autonomous communities in which it is established. Since they began to certify the beaches under this standard in 2004, the year in which there were a total of 13, until today, the number of flags has multiplied, until reaching the current 176. With This remarkable increase in the beaches recognised with the highest level of quality, Spain consolidates global leadership in the segment of holiday tourism.
That constant commitment to quality fits the Plan of tourism Spanish Horizon 2020, which with the consensus of the Government and the autonomous communities, as well as the business sector, has laid the groundwork to achieve a greater tourism competitiveness. The Institute for Spanish tourism quality is formed by the most important tourist associations in this country, as well as the General Secretariat of tourism, the autonomous communities and the Spanish Federation of municipalities and provinces. It is headquartered in Madrid and is the representative of the quality of the Spanish tourism sector in all the actions that are developed, both nationally and internationally, in the field of tourist quality. ICTE is who awarded the Q for quality more than 2000 tourist establishments that boast of 17 tourist sectors.