Volga District People
Despite statutory requirement to provide housing, was repressed in the hands of the addition and the solution of the Volga District People's Court of Saratov, 1993, which was based on law 'On the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political repression ', but the wording was' put on a waiting list. " Repressed asked the court and the local administration: you can not give the apartment, taken away, so give the money to buy an apartment! After all, "put in a common housing place "was more a mockery of Soviet times – is clear to everyone that life does not get an apartment, if not all, the factory, and the total! The court, refusing repressed in the process of reversing the decision of the court, did not even respond to arguments of the repressed, who argued that in a similar way to execute the law – hence distort its meaning. Disagreeing with the sequence of Themis, who was not only blind but deaf, repressed attempted in a special production to recognize illegal inactivity of the Administration of Saratov and Saratov region Government, which is reflected in the fact that over 10 years of Federal Law 'On the Victims of Political repression 'is not performed in the territory of the Russian regions. Citizen motivated by the fact that when he was jailed, he was not standing in line a day, and when to return the right to reside in the apartment, he must stand in queue for more than 16 years, survived while the average level of life expectancy for men in Russia at the time of going to court already for one year.
Tags: man and the law