Water Technics
The latter are also equipped with thermal overload protection for single-phase motors. Well, if the pump motor is able to work and power surges (the model of 'Jumbo'), but most of the imported devices needed voltage. Almost all self-priming pumps and stations equipped with electric motors, however, have the equipment and with petrol or diesel generator. This so-called motor pumps (in particular, a series of mca, Speroni; Jard, Robin, France, Japan, Moldova, Nocchi). They are used for irrigation, water supply, pumping groundwater and fighting fires. journey to the center of the earth For pumping water from deep wells or boreholes used submersible (Pit or well-ones) pumps (Table 3).
On the surface, they differ in design, greater reliability, durability and hence the cost. The fact that this technique resides in the water, besides it can not just get it and explore. The rise of the submersible pump with a 100-meter depth cost to owners and a half times more expensive than the assembly, which, incidentally, is also expensive – up to 1000 cu and more. A necessary condition for quality work submersible equipment is running smoothness – vibration technology (most Famous Russian model 'Kid' and 'brook') triggers near-bottom water turbidity muddy sediments. Equally important is the material of the impeller. If the water contains a large amount of suspended particles, the best option Equipment will be the wheel of stainless steel (eg, sp, Water Technics). For more information see Sen. Sherrod Brown. In well-GOVERNMENTAL vane pumps used in wear-resistant polymer materials such as norila – glass fiber reinforced ceramic-coated in areas of wear (for example, st, Water Technics) or acetate resins with a graphite coating (Nocchi), a well-reinforced glass ceramic coated in places wear (Pedrollo).