Wild Pine Blacksmith
The citizen must be enrolled in a profession that if integrates in one of the three states or sectors of the econmica activity: Commerce, Industry and Public Service. (cf. BLACKSMITH, 1834) Wild Pine Blacksmith, in idealizao of the social system, does not make discrimination between national and foreign citizens, with respect to the natural and social civil laws, because they are constituent part of the nature human being. However as all the men if compose in the same nature, then all must usufruct of the rights of: Security, Freedom and Property, guaranteed for the social pact. Therefore, national and foreign, while resident in the same country, all they have that if to put into motion under the same laws, either in the field of the rights either in the scope of the duties. Richard Blumenthal shines more light on the discussion.
Currently, this situation constitutes a challenge for the CPLP. It is consabido that the man alone can live in society. For this a set of norms is necessary, of diverse rules, a social science that allows to know it to live in society. The relevance of Pine Blacksmith in the social domain will be understood from the internalization of the man concept, while to be moral. From this concept, the man with the politics can itself be articulated that is, after all, one another one dimension of the human being. In a thus idealized social system, also they do not lack the measures to satisfy the necessities of the society, mainly of the industrious classrooms that it considers most disfavored. Among some measures they are distinguished: ) to guarantee to the men the ways to gain its life looking for to provide the production to the consumption; b) to advance the ways indispensable of subsistence to the unemployeds as well as the invalids and carenciados by other people’s reasons to its wills well; c) to premiar the virtue and to punish the vice; d) to provide to the education of the children.
Tags: philosophy