The Attainment
By this he is still pushing the time that, despite advances in scientific and technological progress does not stop act on the person and remind him of his strength and power. Go to the attainment of faith while still pushing and power, which is ready to make any concessions only to life in power for its members became eternity. And this situation is absolutely not surprising, since the only power standing above the human capabilities and is able to solve the unsolvable problem for a person can convince of the need to perform righteous actions not yet mature forms of consciousness inherent in today's generation of people. Only time limit a person's life can make the most of government representatives on earth to believe in a higher power, which is sure many of the current powers that be, must be better for them and without fail should think and care about their problems, should be sooner rather than later, give the "chosen" people eternal power on Earth. And only in this If the present government is ready to approach the question of what power can be traditional, government was ready only under the influence of fear to acknowledge the validity of which has a higher power. It turns out to "Modern" representative of the authorities to respect the people's interests, you should have at a high level of conscience, and authority over his conscience, which will force people to move to ensure that it does not comply only its own interests and the interests of others.
Tags: man and the law