Archive for April, 2013

Country Irrigation

Monday, April 29th, 2013

Progress in the country, with a motor pump irrigation. Summer in the capital of the thing itself is extreme. The easiest way to depart to nature for example to the country, but there are some difficulties, especially if you're married and giving Teschin. All begins with the fees collected by his wife and child thing is essentially a weakly feasible and sometimes not just the first step rialnaya.Ladno Odyssey completed a family steeped in the car, now in the way of her mother. Why does my mother-in-law prefers to shake us by car, rather than go on the train itself for me a big mystery. In the car she was constantly something wrong, then very quickly go, very slowly, then hot, then cold, then just seasick and have to stop here and now. Having made a ritual semicircle around Moscow and uploading my second mom, our little family moved on to the restless side of the suburbs with the hope of rest in the shade.

The very best not to describe a trip that may well be good when you have to crew grandmother with a baby, and you're going on our roads and suspension harsh but the car handling good. Well, that's all finally arrived tired, your child wants to eat and sleep as usual at once, op is shorter nesusvetny Noah's Ark on unloading. Well, the morning begins with setting goals for the day and probably at night, judging by the number of these tasks. Of course, it is believed that the change in activity is a rest, I have this dissenting opinion. The main task of this delivery of irrigation water near the river skunk on the site. It seems simple but there is a nuance of a river in a ravine near but quite steep and the slopes of clay and viscous, climb over them with buckets in hand requires a good climber training, which I do not have. After falling once again into the damp clay, decided that the problem should be solved kordinalno.Lyudi long way came up with this Koshin KTH-80X gasoline engine-driven pump to the engine HONDA GX-240 with the tank to 6 liters and above all very quiet. After the purchase of my life in the country has become easier and more carefree.

Europe Income

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

The AEDAPI applauds the taxation model approved by the Council of Ministers the AEDAPI gives the congratulations to the regulatory body after learning that tribute type will be set mostly on net income, the most consistent way encumber this sector the sector welcomes increased protagonism of the autonomous communities in the process of regulation and in its later development the Association believes that there is still much work to do and many points by defining Madrid, February 14, 2011 La AEDAPI has known the content of the bill approved last Friday 4 February by the Council of Ministers and congratulates the Executive for the work done during this process. The Government has taken note of the recommendations made by the online sector, user associations, the face-to-face game companies and Internet experts, and has taken an important step to define a competitive legal framework. A tax rate of 25% on net income is set in typologies most in Bill consulted today by the Association of betting, except horse bets and in totalizator betting. The decision to apply a tax on net income is positive because it facilitates the creation of a win-win digital law. However, the industry warns that the fixed tax rate, although correct in its form, is one of the highest in Europe. Specifically, pricing is set in a 15% on net income in United Kingdom and, without going any further, in the community of Madrid type is 10% on net income, which demonstrates that a high tax has been applied in comparison with other places.

On the other hand, the AEDAPI is satisfied with the greater role that have passed comply with the autonomous communities in accordance with the approved document. This is because the relationship between operators and communities is narrow, and the contribution of these is essential to creating a positive legal framework. The AEDAPI is aware of the step forward that has been given, but considers that there is still much work to do and many points to be defined in the future regulation. The Association stands ready to collaborate, such as fact until now, to get a legal framework of the game online in Spain of success for all. It is not only a great opportunity for European online gaming companies who allow legalizing their situation in Spain and create wealth, pay taxes, create jobs and invest in media and sponsorships, is also an opportunity for the Spanish game operators who will have the opportunity to grow through the Internet channel, says Sacha MichaudPresident of the AEDAPI. About the AEDAPI La Asociacion Espanola de bettors by Internet (AEDAPI) is an institution independent and non-profit organization whose main objective is to promote a positive regulation that allows to develop a market liberalized and open sports betting over the Internet without borders and with free competition.

This Council

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

Don’t forget to put a link to your web site at the end of the article, in the resources box, or directed to the website that is promoting. This Council is the most important of all those who can receive about the marketing of articles. It is, without going further, its reason for being.How to write an article marketing articles is a great way to get traffic for your web site. Qualified traffic, with the impact on the increase in benefits that this means.How does the marketing of articles? It is simply writing articles (more better) on topics related to the products or services you sell and once written, distribute them through articles directories.All this is to finally get that people can read our articles, either in a directory, on a blog or in a classic web site. It is giving free information.

In this respect, although it may seem paradoxical, the best advice that I can give you is to provide quality information, its secrets. It will give you the maximum credibility and more people will want to buy your products.When choosing topics, approaches such as never fail: write about how to do, on 5, 7 or 10 steps to improve on something, or to properly use such product, or to choose it, buy it, even getting rid of something. The rule is simple. Write about something that makes life easier to people. This golden rule always works. If you can make people’s lives easier, you will earn money with security.Keep in mind the ultimate goal that writes his article, but at the same time try to keep the balance between that and provide information that is truly useful. Remember that you write the article so that people click on the link that will wisely put in the resources box. With this you probably intend to people to sign to receive their newsletter, or read your sales letter and finally buy.To write the article can follow the following steps: 1) choose a topic that is related to your line of business.

National Council

Thursday, April 18th, 2013

We repeat the State Peruvian does not exist a rule of law, and the institutions tutelary they have not spoken, not great writers have spoken out, which shows that he is committing the crime of conspiracy to commit a crime, in which all the Deans of the colleges of lawyers are involved. In any case the main problem is that the directors of the National Council of the judiciary are not elected properly, why has warned that in many cases the applicants have more preparation that bothers those indicated and this them therefore is clear that you will not let them win contests, even to avoid to win contests nonexistent rules apply, or it is true regulation not published it for fear to be bad or said in rude terms for fear of ridicule. This issue has generated such a problem that even the former President of the Supreme Court has incurred in the indicated error and thus has generated a series of problems under Peruvian law, which is causing a number of problems in the judiciary, saying it in simple words what happens is that you don’t know even the basics of lawby anyone you can require the employment relationship to continue to force or against their will, in any case is clear that there are some hidden interests that are petty and that apparently intended to do what they did with the old sages who burned them alive so they can learn that not had to learn, which already became fashionable and all case it is clear that this can not be done by the political Constitution Peruvian, by that enshrines the right to physical integrity, however, it is possible that happens by Peruvian law not there in a State of law, because the powers are unlimited, allows not which is generating a series of problems that don’t the constitutionalists and the Sub-Committee studyHowever, they boast of knowing and mastering the right because they have much experience, which causes discomfort when it is not accompanied by legal production proper, as it is by the way the publication of a labor law and Constitutional Treaty, but without applying the dogmatic method, but others, among them we can mention the comparative and the functionalistwhich would create law, i.

City Council

Tuesday, April 9th, 2013

For the second consecutive year the plaza de Colon will host the so-called city with children, where carried out all kinds of workshops, he has stories and games designed for children. In addition, the Esplanade of the King will host an impressive 800 m ice rink 2 where young and old can have fun together. There same carried out multiple activities for all ages like displays of skating, theatre performances, singing of Carols, gospel or jazz and even exciting matches of jockey. The City Council will like last year, on 23 December, compliment Christmas to all locals and tourists who come to the capital with a spectacle of light, Fireworks and magic on the facade of the Palacio de Cibeles. One of the great innovations of this Christmas is the exhibit of ice sculptures, where more than 60 international artists have created monuments of ice to play as representative spaces of Madrid as the Puerta de Alcala, or Santiago Bernabeu Stadium. In case outside little, you can see up to 25 Nativity scenes scattered throughout the city, as the protagonist of the City Hall (designed by the sculptor Jose Luis Mayo), that it opens a new location in the Palacio de Cibeles. As usual, and to enjoy a holiday typically Madrid, the Puerta del Sol will bounce the year to are of the twelve chimes, where thousands of Spaniards will gather to eat the grapes of good luck. As the final culmination, of January 5, 2009 will take place the traditional parade, where their Majesties the three Kings will greet thousands of children who will have to go to bed early if they want to receive their gifts the next day. As you can see, Madrid Christmas will give much of themselves. If you want to enjoy the charm of white parties, rent apartments in Madrid and let yourself be infected by the spirit of Christmas in the capital.

Advisory Council

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Keeps seat in Les Corts, which Alberto Fabra has left free. The former Presidents can enter a part of the Consell Juridic out (CJC). Camps resigned from his post as President of the Generalitat on July 20. The expresident of the Valencian Generalitat, Francisco Camps and ntrara to form part of the Consell Juridic out (CJC), as envisaged in the Statute of former Presidents, and although it will maintain the minutes of regional Deputy, will waive the salary that Les Corts Valencianes cobra. So sources close to Camps, who has already applied for membership in this consultative body as a permanent member, without time limit and with annuities functions, have confirmed that allowing you to act with voice but no vote in the Consell Juridic out. The CJC members are subject to the incompatibilities regime established in general terms for senior members of the Administration, so that Camps can keep his seat in Les Corts Valencianes, something that will, according to the same sources. Francisco Camps now occupies the I bench that Alberto Fabra left vacant to be appointed president of the Generalitat and occupy the first Chair of the blue base, and sits in the third row, between the mayors of Valencia and Alicante, Rita Barbera and Sonia Castedo, respectively. Camps resigned from the post of president of the Generalitat on July 20, five days after the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Comunitat (TSJCV) decide to open trial against him for the so-called sake of costumes of the Gurtel case. Source of the news: Franciso Camps will enter into the Advisory Council and will forego the pay of Deputy

Collaborative Council

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

Studies by FAO, for its part, revealed that water consumption was multiplied six-fold over the last century, double what the population increased. Others Center for Research on the epidemiology of disasters, of Belgium, shows that during the period from 1996 to 2005 around 80% of all natural disasters were of meteorological or hydrological origin. And all this without taking into account that a temperature rise of between 3 and 4 degrees, as predicted by scientists for the second half of the century, will change the hydrological cycle and will worsen the local effects of floods and droughts., provides us with, that, many experts believe that access to water is one of the greatest challenges facing the world today. It is an extremely serious matter, said the BBC Jon Lane, executive director of the Collaborative Council for water supply and sanitation (WSSCC), a UN agency that is responsible for water and sanitation to poor communities. In recent years the headlines have focused on climate change, the financial crisis, the food crisis and those who work with water, we think that this resource is at the base of all these problems being experienced worldwide, in particular, which refers to climate change, says the expert, one of the attendees at the Conference.

According to the official, the impact climate change is having on humans is related to water. The figures presented the UN are not encouraging. According to the 1.1 billion people living in the world without drinking water. About 70% of water supplies used for irrigation, and much of this is lost until it reaches the floor. For the year 2017, says the UN, about 70% of the global population have problems for access to freshwater. And by 2025, approximately 40% of the population live in regions where there is a shortage of the liquid. According to specialists of the World Water Council, organizer of the present forum, if we are to continue generating food in 2050, will have to change modes of production really.