Archive for September, 2013


Saturday, September 28th, 2013

You are wrapped between mystical sounds and sweet aromas, enjoying warm air conditioning and distinguish soft tones of light. You perceive the therapist Tantric ductile touch and unfolds a world of sensations and emotions never appreciated nor imagined in your mind. During one hour the world and time are gone, your mind is suspended in a State of quietude and full balance. You’ve managed to penetrate the deeper layers of your mind. A vivifying silence fills your senses completely.

Now a shudder runs through your body which reminds you the home, the union and the whole. It is renewed with vigour in your imagination that Alliance always dreamed by unattainable, but who nevertheless lives with strength in your most intimate memories and that only you belong. Or whatever for a brief few moments stay suspended in undivided State and understand that you are more than Earth, ash and nostalgia. Forms part of the sky. Have lived an experience that you questioned in the recesses and te launches the search for something that you had not missed until now, but which already can not rest until you reach the bottom of it all. It is the beginning of a path that you don’t know where it takes you dare?

Congress Model

Saturday, September 21st, 2013

If a professional protest, show you the stack of requests for dentists on waiting list to be hired, or directly removed from the primer, says Ziegler. The companies gave his version. For Rolando Gutesman, auditor of Dental Unified System, practitioners have had to convert: they stopped being an island and now which does not work with dental systems or social works, is doomed to not work. It recognizes that the system is more thought on profitability than in the patient’s health, but ensures that it is something that we from this company can not modify. By the greed of the market, the Capes are increasingly casualties complains Gutesman, networks are fighting for lower prices. On the modality of the guarantees, he explained that they are based on the statistical concept of not making twice the same provision. Rapaport argues that he has been proposed to companies making consultations with specialists of the highest level to know if a requirement is reasonable warranty, but had no success.

We are agreed that companies will do audits so that more benefits are not paid, but on condition that they do not with commercial interest and will pay honorably professionals, concluded the specialist. Thinking to lower cost dental problem is no stranger to the medicine in general: vicious growth of intermediation involves a waste of money, because the money that should go to services remains as these groups gain, maintains the medical sanitarist Aldo Neri. The model applies both to the social to the medicine works prepaid. The difference is that there is some regulation, that does not exist, because Congress has not yet sanctioned the corresponding regulations in the prepaid social works, says the specialist. The Argentine model tends to resemble the North American, the worst in the developed world, where spent much and evil, because there is excess of benefits, product of consumerism that invades also to the medicine. The difference is that here it is consumed more which can pay a higher fee, while the rest remains in underconsumption, adds the sanitarist. Neri, former Minister of health and member of the Programme Council of the Alliance, argues that the absence of the State, and the supply and demand as single regulation leads to lower the value of the capes at the expense of the work of the professional and the service that people get. Is it a model thought to lower costs with lower quality services, concludes.?

Economic Procedural Code

Saturday, September 14th, 2013

October 7, 2010 the Trial Chamber on Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of Ukraine held the generalization of the judicial practice of considering the civil cases arising from the credit relationship (2009-2010) (Excerpts) The local courts have allowed violations rules and the exclusive jurisdiction in cases arising from credit relationships. According to the article. 114 hpa Ukraine claims arising about the real estate should be treated according to the rules exclusive jurisdiction of the location of this property. Consequently, if the subject of the claim is reduced to recover the debt on the loan, then the court must apply the provisions on jurisdiction, defined Art. Art. 109, 110 of cpc of Ukraine. If the claim is subject to foreclosure on the mortgaged property (Art. 33, 39 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mortgage"), etc., the court shall apply the provisions on exclusive jurisdiction.

Since, as noted above, the Law of Ukraine "Consumer Protection" does not apply to disputes concerning the enforcement of credit contracts, influence the determination of jurisdiction over the dispute on the consumer's residence, the question of jurisdiction at the place location of the branch bank. The above claim does not relate to the activities of the nbu or its territorial offices, the decisions may not affect its rights or obligations with respect to one of the parties, and relate directly to the credit agreement of the parties. However, keep in mind that banks are encouraged to participate in the trial of disputes about the ownership of the property to which they have appear cumbersome (mortgagee) in the manner prescribed by Part 2 of Art. 35 chp, to determine whether such burdensome to use information from the relevant registries encumbrances. Courts may use the provisions of paragraph 4 of Part 1 of Art. 1955 Economic Procedural Code of Ukraine, which indicated that in suits for the recovery of foreign currency price action is determined in foreign currency and in uah according to the official exchange rate established by the National Bank of Ukraine on the day of filing a lawsuit.

Therefore, the court fee to be paid by residents in domestic currency, since according to Part 1, Art. 99 of the Constitution of Ukraine Ukraine's monetary unit is the hryvnia. The provisions of Part 2 of Art. 7 of the Decree of Cabinet of Ministers 'On State Duty' that claims that are submitted to the court in a foreign currency, as well as for the actions and transactions in foreign currency government duty is paid foreign currency applies only to non-residents. Refund in the currency does not contradict the Civil Code of Ukraine, as in case the currency is not is a means of payment. If you can not return funds to currency, the court may determine the order of execution of court decisions, noting the recovery loan in uah, which is equivalent to the rate set by the National Bank of Ukraine on the day the decision on the case. This issue is relevant from the viewpoint of protection of violated plaintiff's rights (Article 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine), as public artists will refuse to open an executive proceeding if the court decision is not specified hryvna the equivalent of debt.

Cesar Pietri

Friday, September 13th, 2013

Successful websites extend their gains along the entire network and multiple ways either by exchanging links, creating strategic alliances or any means that will help expand the name of your Web site. Achieving so exposed in many places which becomes qualified traffic. This is an idea that we should copy to our website and that it will give us name and we will be recognized in the sector which we play. The method I want to explain in this article is the branching with extensions Web content and achieve change the point of view of many about the site and attract new prospects, but how to accomplish this? write articles: one of the most simple and known methods is the write articles related to the theme of the site and publish it in all possible places some ideas are sites dedicated to collect articles and good republish our articles there is that other users can copy that content and publish it on their pages and this is a free and effective source of getting links to our website, this type of sites there are many but as always the vast majority are in English. Desktop applications into viral mode: you can offer free distribution products such as for example the wallpapers, programs type calendars, etc. This will bring visitors to your site, generating traffic.

Build links list: one of the methods most ancient is the search for sites that are similar to yours in terms of products or content and request an exchange of links, although it is true that this method is quite laborious remains one of the most effective. Mark as homepage: offer the opportunity that your visitors mark your site as the home page or to be included in the Favorites in all your pages is a very effective method when we want our visitors to return to the site, today you get many reusable codes on the Web to fulfill this function. Electronic newsletters: remember visitors is important to keep them and electronic newsletters are a great way to accomplish this, looking for ways to get your email address from your website and send you information that is important for the visitor as articles, e-books, reports or anything that can capture the attention of this user back to your site. E-books: you can make an electronic book of the subject of your site showing how to do something in what you especialices and remember to always put the link to your website. Forums: Another very common technique is the comment in blogs and forums on any topic and place the url in the signature of your page. Advertising offline-off-line: reinforce the name of your website through advertising offline is a pretty good technique though it is usually used by sites already well-established and quite profitable this generates an expense, some ideas may be print shirts and caps with the name of the site. CDs: Can offer cds recorded with the info of your products or items on your page since this will earn a reputation in the field of users who do not have of access to the network.

Icetex Education

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

In addition to the foregoing, the 2011 legislative reform submitted to the higher education institutions (HEIS) to tasks and additional requirements that would generate new costs. In contrast, rector Wasserman has arisen that it requires a model of long-term sustainability and quality, allowing the coverage of the costs of higher education such as maintenance and construction of infrastructure (laboratories, classrooms, University welfare), technological renovation (broadband, virtual content) and the qualitative growth of teachers (sustaining a greater number of teachers with master’s and doctoral levels). The financial deficit could affect the good results obtained in the last decade by these universities in the short term. Very high quality to cost professionals are forming lower if we compare ourselves with the private University. But there is a limit to our growth. We are close to that and already not we can stretch more rope, warns the Rector Wasserman.

In the framework of a model of support for demand, the Government has also proposed increasing the number of beneficiaries of Icetex credits and reduce the value of the interests to facilitate payments (in fact, was already reduced the rate from 16% to 4% per year during the study). However, this strategy does not benefit directly to public universities because the majority of these loans are concentrated in the private sector. The responsibility is of the State, not private ones in addition, the Government has raised other two strategies in the financial system of higher education issue. First, increase the contributions made by the private company to the public University. This means, on the one hand, extending the projects of research and social development between the University sector and private enterprise. However, the rector of the UN affirms that this proposal does not present nothing novel for the educational system. It is a fact recognized that long since there are alliances between public universities with companies to solve problems specific through research.


Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

Then if you know and achieved that others perceive that you know (because it is) towards where you want to go the organization in the coming years, what are your current challenges, the moment that touches him compete and restrictive factors that threaten it, your probability that begin to believe in its leadership program for middle managers begins to rise. But it is still not enough 2. Paraphrasing the second question, and once again making their sin, this time would be: say it directly: If still not developed relationships of trust with key players and still not created alliances with internal influencers and had not had time to interpret the intentions of the current opinion leaders, his program has high chances to be aborted. Ray Dalio understands that this is vital information. Suppose that you referred to, know their strengths, from where comes, how he gained his experience and what could be done by the company (in fact for that hired him); something is still missing: Learn about the perspectives of those who think that what’s missing here is not leadership, but (.what I leave to your discretion), simplifying all the way to a technical problem, which is solved with two or three specialists gathered for an hour in the meeting room of the second floor. In other words, begin to fix these subtleties that we tend to overlook, as be listening carefully, read between the lines, re-preguntar to confirm what mentally translated and distance themselves from old conflicts that did not have any role in.

Adopt a serene posture and, not less, be guided internally, but keep the focus in others, what happens to them and in the story that are counted. From that good listening and reading, set the real need, the real problem. But, in the absence of a visible problem, you will become the problem. If it manages to avoid it and know the different perspectives, will have already taken another step forward so not to interrupt his project. But still missing a step more paraphrasing the last question, and again becoming their sin, would be something like this: pay attention to me: If you don’t dive within the culture of the company, will not know how face resistances that will naturally happen while transiting the change, and you can hardly get a space for observing the implementation of what has been learned and the impact that had the program on results (performance or relationships). And what cannot be measured (follow you). Challenge, okay.

You know of training, learning, adult, ROI, Goleman, resonant and other leaders. But listen to the song beyond the letter understands the pressures that receive different areas, understand the imbalances will be created and the forces that will try to restore that balance, just finished the program. If it is anticipated it will have certainly grown as a professional, will have minimised the paradox and will have taken a big step as leader. For that hired him.