Archive for November, 2015

Political Parties

Monday, November 30th, 2015

It is of generalized recognition that the actions of the most diverse economic social and agent actors, as the governments national and local, the great corporations, and enterprising exactly individual, finish for determining modifications in the occupation standards and of territorial use and in the standards of space interaction it enters the diverse parts of a territory. These modifications nor always are the best ones for a territorial balance, for the preservation and supported use of the natural resources, notadamente you did not renew and for the adequate space distribution of the population and of its activities. A current example will be able to assist in the understanding of the problems that (so to speak) called ' ' aspects setoriais' ' , they provoke in the territory. Such problems justify the arguments for the necessity of the instances politician-partisans to be, deliberately, mobilized for the confrontation of the territorial questions (e, evidently, its consequncias). A CURRENT PROBLEM: The HIPER GROWTH OF the CITY OF MANAUS the current situation the Industrial Polar region of Manaus consolidated throughout the years, consisting a successful case of industrial development in a region with low level of growth, as the Amaznia.

But this success was folloied by urban problems, as the swell of the city of Manaus, decurrent of the extreme increase of its population, with the consequent congestion of the services, etc. However, what it is occurring, in fact? Which the origin of the urban problems that the city of Manaus comes suffering, currently? What it comes provoking the problems in the urban way of Manaus? Its replies have that to be searched, at the current moment, it are of the region. The origins Secularly, the Northeast Region of Brazil, banishes parcels from local populations for other regions. The lack of conditions of health, education and, over all, the lack of work chances, comes making that more and more contingent demographic if they direct to other areas in search of better conditions for itself and its children.

The Beddings Of The Politics

Saturday, November 28th, 2015

Frei Jonas Matheus Sousa Da Silva The term politics retraces to classic Greece, more necessarily to the city-state, called polishes of Atenas. Deriving from this the term politics to be used to define the exercise of the democracy excessively to define the administration of the Athenian citizens it stops with its you polish, in sight of the common good of the citizens formed who it. In this direction, basic contributions for the field politician were in the left one for Plato, philosopher disciple of Scrates that acted in old Greece, as well as for Nicola Maquiavel, philosopher of the cultural Renaissance, in Italy. In the dialogue the Republic, over all from the classic myth of the cave, the philosopher in question evidences the origin of s serving politics while of the common good, in detriment of the proper interests, as he is en vogue in the field Brazilian politician, intitled with the term corruption politics. Interpreting the myth of the cave in the perspective politics, we come across ourselves with the ideal politician while loving of knowing, that is, for Plato the politician must be philosopher, given that the same he must have the critical ability of enxergar beyond what the people is accustomed in the triviality of the daily one. The politician is that one that must is free of the ideological yokes, being capable to contemplate the perpetual ideas, in order to free the too much citizens who generally do not obtain to see beyond the appearances of the things and current facts. However as he detached Maquiavel, in the Prince, the politicians can be interested not in such a way in the common good, however only in conquering the power, forming squitos and troops and, to take care of so that nobody them arrebate the domain; of where if they follow the principles: the people has short memory, to divide to govern e, the ends justifies the ways. Here we can recognize a philosophical evaluation of the phenomenon corruption that devastates ours politics. In this year of electoral Campaign, valley the penalty to form our conscience politics effecting the most useful ones readings of Plato and Maquiavel, workmanships these that we find the prices accessible; of accounts citizen after all clarified she is critical citizen who do not leave themselves to be deceptive for certain liars and engravatados avaros that also are used of the name of God to jeer of the naivety of our people. Let us read the Sacred Writing, yes, therefore it is to salutar, however let us not neglect of our formation critical-politics not to compactuarmos with the social sin.

Traffic Exchange Site

Wednesday, November 25th, 2015

This may cost a little more than exchanging or trading links but can be done more cheaply because you get to earn credits. You can use these credits to view other traffic, and earn credits When someone you see yours. Traffic Exchange services consist in seeing the site or page of others. This is done each other when a site can use the content of your site and you can also use the of them. Both benefit each other in their effort to generate traffic. Other sites visitors can go to your pages and know more about your site as well as theirs. Once more your site becomes more known to the public. Writing and publication of articles several electronic journals and encyclopedias online that offer free of charge there is space to publish articles.

If you want to save on costs, you can do yourself articles. There are several freelance writers willing to write for you for small fees, but to save money, is good idea yourself composing articles. Write articles that relate to the theme of your site. He writes about something in which you have experience so that when you read it you feel that you know about the topic and are willing to go to your site. He writes articles that give tips and guidelines about the theme or niche of your site. It includes a box of resources resource box at the end of your article that can link them to your site.

He writes a bit about you and your site. If you give an article clear, interesting, full of information, people will go to your site for more. Make newsletters. This may sound difficult because of all the items that you may need to make a bulletin, but on the contrary, it is not. There are quite a few writers and sites ready to give free items in exchange for that you put their names in your newsletter. This will also make them free advertising. When you circulate your newsletter, you can increase your popularity and create a voluntary subscription list so that they regularly visit your site. Join online forums and communities to do this just need time, nothing more. You can share your knowledge and experience with other online communities, as well as your website. You can do free advertising when you go to forums that have the same subject or niche to your site. Get that to see how much you know about the theme. To give you more known, also you will increase the reputation of your site, thus making it a business with reputation and honest that it could be reliable and frequented by many people.


Monday, November 23rd, 2015

You are a good intermediary Not always you must remain the business yet, nor are forced to make all the process, can subcontract everything what she needs if to his they demand it resources, negotiates in form like can serve as intermediary between a producer and a client, of that form gains a part than could win, but it wins. Intgrese to networks. The networks will allow him to have major is present at, access to information, technology and perhaps some interference in strategic decisions that they affect his sector. Intgrese to the networks that are available and creates all those that is possible to him, remembers that the world is globalised quickly and that the access to the information is imperative, so to know and to be found out everything what happens in the world and that can affect its business is a priority. Afiliese to the Chamber of Commerce, sectorial networks or trade union, professional and of businesses, it is easy and very economic and the benefit that can obtain from them is invaluable, will have reliable contacts, up-to-date information, will be able to participate in events where it will know other participants of the business, it will find out his ideas and advances and will know technologies and methodologies first order that will help to ahead remove their idea him from business. It speaks with them, it sees that qualification options have, like can support it, like it can obtain aid and that benefits it has to belong to the network, one is not satisfied to affiliating itself, it participates and it takes advantage of everything what can obtain, nobody almost does, if you if, you will have obtained a good difference.

More Stability

Tuesday, November 17th, 2015

Usability for ERP users in new Deleco version of Delta Barth which promises the current version 6.14 of the ERP-software DELECO. High reliability and great ease of use thanks to an improved run-time behavior as well as the reduction of loading times allow the users a stable system. More news about user can look forward also. Reduce delays and idle time with the DELECO version 6.14 of the process for the settlement of customer supplies can be mapped consistently and efficiently. The provision of the customer where the customer provides a BOM component itself, is treated in the business process such as an order.

With the supplied material directly to the sales order is entered and accordingly when the order cost estimate takes into account. Even if the generation of order proposals and subcontracting, as well as in the manufacturing and delivery the supplied material is observed from the outset with. Should the customer not to deliver the material, it is possible via the module Delivery reminder”to send a reminder. Thus avoiding delays in the manufacturing process and machine downtime. The entire procurement process can be tracked via the purchasing module. Easier handling with returns even in the purchasing module, there are many useful innovations. Headers and footers provide the user with additional information, as well more informal texts that can be entered to the SKUs. When printing invoices or documents, you can disable the display of individual items.

So, for example, additional information about documents are included, but not mentioned on the invoice. Also, small note text when loading tasks, companies, and articles in the shopping modules can be displayed. The user is, once he has selected an article or a company, for example, informed of the specifics to the article or the reliability of the supplier. Customer complaints simply and efficiently be even customer complaints with the new DELECO version 6.14 easily represent. Created a new complaint is by assigning the goods receipt of a complaint, the manual assignment of a delivery note item or by manually assigning of a customer and Artikels.Egal on which way a complaint is recorded (dismissal, value-based credit, return, rework repair or replacement), cost must be always taken into account. A separate type of goods receipt with booking in a complaint bearing is first with the receipt of the complaint. A document of confirmation for the receipt of the complaint or to be repaired article can be printed and sent to the customer. The incoming customer complaint is provided with an error image or description of the fault. Then several different sequences are possible depending on the product range, organisational processes and the nature of the claimed article: views and mapping as well as evaluate and classify. A complaint concerns exactly an article or a larger quantity of an item with the same Reason (error image). Company contact: DELTA BARTH Systemhaus GmbH Ludwig-Richter-Strasse 3 09212 Limbach-Oberfrohna contact for the press: Anke Duderstadt phone 03722 71700 fax 03722 717011

GmbH Kathrin Jannot

Sunday, November 15th, 2015

The change to the beginning of the year for mid-sized companies when several vehicles belonging to the assets of a sole trader, then the value must be taxed now for every single car after the one-percent method. Indicates the business portal MittelstandsWiki. So far, only the vehicle with the highest list price has been taxed, the Berlin tax consultant said Andreas Lange in the video interview with the Portal: “If the contractor so far, for example, one smart and has a S-class in the operation, had to be taxed only the more expensive car.” Since this now applies to all vehicles, is to decide whether, where appropriate, be removed cars from the company assets. The alternative is making a journey log to the tax office over to prove to the predominant professional use of the car. The MittelstandsWiki and his journals are online-magazine of just 4 business GmbH. This is a reference book for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Terms of the economy, the world of information and Telecommunications technology and the politics are quickly found through a search function. In addition to short term definitions, the MittelstandsWiki contains know-how articles penned by professional experts. Contact: just 4 business GmbH Kathrin Jannot wreath Horn Street 4B 83043 Bad Aibling phone: + 49 8061 91019 fax: + 49 8061 91018