Car Preparation for Winter
Sunday, December 31st, 2017If you want to prepare your car for winter, then do not expect the first frost. To prepare the car for the winter, you need to do so many things that if you plan to do everything at the last minute, you run the risk of be in a difficult situation at the wrong time. Thus, to begin preparing for the winter to at least one month before the first snow fall. On the new budget cars sold in car dealerships, as a rule manufacturer ustanavlivayutsya season tires, but you have probably set summer tires, but they are not suitable for use in the winter. The reason for this is that these tires will not give you the normal clutch expensive and the chances of losing control of a moving car are very high. For winter you should buy a set of winter tires and install them on the car.
There are two basic types of winter tires on today – and the spike non-studded. Studded tires are suitable for countries where the winter is long, but their use is legal restrictions (in some countries their use is prohibited as they may damage the pavement). Winter tires made of materials that can withstand temperatures down to -35 degrees Celsius, while maintaining their flexibility and grip against the freezing temperature. When buying winter tires, you should make sure that you buy one size tires is specified by the manufacturer in the manual. You also need to check on the tire sidewall symbol snowflake. This means that the bus can be operated in a mode of a harsh winter.
Select a picture tire tread. If you're going to go often in the snow and slush, you can choose a tire tread of at least 8 mm. But in the asphalt tire with deep grooves stretches reaction time when the 'Perestavka' and increases the stopping distance, so the asphalt is to be careful. One of the most important things you should remember that you need to buy all 4 tires, and not just 2. The main reason is the fact that with 2 snow tires, you do not improve your car's handling, but instead you are increasing the risk of accidents. Drivers with experience do not change the tires on the drive, and change tires with wheels, used alloy in the summer drives winter from the usual metal is put on winter tires, the advantages of this method is that no nuzhsho pay for razbortirovku and for balancing the wheels, the wheels can be replaced by himself in the garage. If you already have winter tires, you need to check the tire pressure from time to time. Driving in extreme weather conditions can be very difficult even for an experienced driver and for installed winter tires provide security for road.