Earth Negative
Saturday, May 12th, 2018The trade was not based on the amount that had, but what was that could improve life in order to improve knowledge spiritual therefore our conscience. When the man began to take energy from the earth I think a system that we divert our spiritual growth and we concentrate our attention on the selfish intentions. We also began to separate us from one another and created borders, languages and traditions that caused wars and competition instead of co-creation of the Earth and the universe. So when analyzing our society was created to benefit a few and has left most of the world in the suffering, poverty, loneliness and hunger. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Connecticut Senator. Now our society, our economy is falling to pieces and with it the Earth. We must use our logic to understand that the planet that was taken from the ground to create machines and power supplies depleted to the point that has begun to respond to the negative effects. The Earth is experiencing a separation in your DNA structure and energy has been destroyed causing major natural disasters which causes the planet to be destroyed. It’s like our consciousness when we We give up, or behave in a negative way due to influences that surround us.
What is not noticed is that the cause and effect of these actions on the ground affect the universe and by Karma, every action has a reaction, our world is sending waves of energy that, unfortunately, will affect the rest of the universe, which causes a negative reaction to other planets and galaxies. We should feel shame for this and make a firm resolution to begin to change now. We must recognize the times and change our point of view, change our way of thinking and bring forward measures that affect our community and the planet using a superior, positive approach to everything we do no matter the sacrifice that we have to do to join with others.